You tried to come into this world with your feet first. Not a shocker that you haven’t stopped moving in 18 years.
Many times throughout your life you proved to be a different soul and that you came about all of these different traits by each of your life trials.
When you were six you spent two days in a coma with spinal meningitis, they told me that you would probably be dead by morning and if you did live, the fever would have done irreparable damage to your brain. There are times I am sure they were right. (Joking, of course.) But you came out of it without any ramifications.
When you were eight, you lost use of your right arm. No reason was ever given, after a few months of physical therapy, it came back. When you were sixteen it happened again. You are an odd child, with no medical reason to be here… but you are.
I hope you always remember that, you have beaten the odds and are still here. There is a reason for that, do some good with the knowledge, do some good with the understanding that even when you don’t know why you are here… there is a reason. Do something with the time you have been given.
“A parent’s job is to raise their child to be a productive member of society.”
That is the end goal right? I want you to be a productive member not just for you and your future family, but for the rest of the world. We need good people, to stand up for the weak, to help those who can’t help themselves and to make the right decisions.
It's like a director of the greatest play, I can train the cast, teach them their lines and to how to learn their character... it's up to them once the lights go on, to make him/her real. Be real, be honest, be a good person and remember that one day, I won’t be here… not as your mom or a friend… but I’ll always be “here”.
I was your age when you came into this world; I escaped my past with you, a diaper bag and no idea where I was going. You were the reason I pulled out of my path and you saved MY life. Thank you, for being the oldest, for taking care of the younger ones and for giving me a ton of laughs, tears and teaching me how to grow up.
I love you Doodle-Bug, no matter where you end up in your life, remember I love you and am proud of your spirit, your bravery and ability to show yourself even when you are scared of what I will think.
Much love,
Your Mommy